Even though we are working hard to get the bus ready to hit the road, we’re not done yet. But that doesn’t mean you can’t already start the fun.
By buying a voucher you’ll be first in line to book, which increases your chances of getting on to your favorite trip!
Valid until July 2023 and on all our trips. Therefore perfect as a gift for yourself or to surprise someone else!
(We’ll sell a limited amount, to ensure you’ll have enough to choose from.)
You’ll get a hand-made, wooden La Karavana-Stylo-voucher (with a unique code) sent to your home address. Let the fun begin!
We expect bookings to be up by June 2021, so keep an eye on our socials & your e-mail, since you’ll get notified first.
We’re busy setting up the exact route (drop us your wishes now you still can!).
*The bookings will open just for you and our BFFs before regular bookings open up.
Depending on the voucher you buy this will be between 48 and 5 days ealier.