Terms and conditions La Karavana Adventure Voucher

General conditions:

The voucher is valid for all La Karavana trips with a departure date until July 1st 2023. 

The voucher is not valid for any other products offered by La Karavana but the booking of trips. 

The voucher is non-refundable

The voucher may only be used on one booking

The voucher is only admissible in combination with the unique code corresponding with your purchase. This code is sent to you after purchase.

The voucher is worth €125, €250 or €785, depending on the type of voucher submitted. The voucher amount is correspondent with the value of the unique code in our booking system.

With the voucher, you get to be the first in line to book your trip with La Karavana! 

€785 : 10 days before regular bookings open up 

€250 : 5 days before regular bookings open up 

€125 : 2 days before regular bookings open up 

If you have to cancel your booked trip see our cancellation policies, see our FAQ on the website.